Join Tunisian International Model

United Nations

TIMUN`s Objective

Tunisian International Model United Nations (TIMUN) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the values of diplomacy and international relations among young people in Tunisia. We work with students in schools and universities, providing them with academic training and mentorship to help them develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in Model United Nations simulations.

TIMUN`s Mission

Our simulations cover a wide range of topics, including geography, history, global politics, and world order. By participating in TIMUN, students gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and learn how to effectively communicate and negotiate with others. They also develop critical thinking skills, teamwork skills, and public speaking skills.

How to Join!

Our organization operates by recruiting clubs in schools and universities. check the nearest club above in MUN clubs section and get their latest recruitment updates.



Tunisian International Model United Nations (TIMUN) is a non-profit organization that was established in Tunisia in 2009 by university students from the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences of Tunis (FSJPST). TIMUN has organized national and local Model United Nations (MUN) conferences all over the country, and has developed its network of clubs to reach 18 active clubs by 2023.

TIMUN’s conferences are held annually in different cities across Tunisia. Each conference features a different theme, and students are assigned to represent a country and participate in committee debates. The conferences provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about international relations and diplomacy, and to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Our National Executive Board


Neji Ben Abdeladhim

Neji Ben Abdeladhim

SG In charge of MarCom

Mohamed Ali Dhrioua

Mohamed Ali Dhrioua

President & SG in charge of Community Life

Abir Ben Abdallah

Abir Ben Abdallah

SG in charge of Academic Affairs

Mohamed Malek Mahfoudh

Mohamed Malek Mahfoudh

SG in charge of Treasury



Become a Part of Tunisian International MUN

Total Applicants

Tunisian International MUN`sMagazine MAGAZINE

  • “The Social Dilemma” Movie Review

    Opening up economic opportunities for women in the rural India.

  • تونس في خدمة القضايا الدولية

    لـ: نور صالح الصورة: غرفة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي لباولو فيلجيراس زفّت السّاحة الدبلوماسيّة بداية الشّهر الفارط خبر انتخاب تونس لعضويّة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي لمنظّمة الأمم المتّحدة بنيويورك لمدّة 3 سنوات، ابتداء من غرّة جانفي 2022 إلى غاية 31 ديسمبر 2024، وهي المرّة الثامنة التي تندمج بها الدّولة التونسيّة في هذا الجهاز الأممي الهامّ منذ انضمامها…

  • اسطنبول تنسحب من اسطنبول

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  • The Middle East VS the West: Who’s to Blame ?

    By Mohamed Triki In the last two decades, Islam and the Arab world have been under an increasing number of attacks from western far-right politicians and even discussed in motions of debates in several houses of parliaments around the globe discussing measures and restrictions to impose on their Muslim citizens. Those attacks and policies intensified…

  • Survivorship Bias and our Perception of the World

    By Anas Namouchi If we were to seek out the reasons behind the success of Uber, Facebook, or Google, we will come to find them numerous. A sit-down with Elon Musk would surely be a remarkable experience. After all, he is a symbol of success in today’s culture. He, and many others similar to him,…

  • Orientalism as the Embodiment of Cultural Hegemony 

    By Hadyl Tlijani The world we live in is brimming with ideas, thoughts, and ideologies; most we have inherited from previous times and still adhere to however inadequate they may be. To dispose of century-old dogmas is as complex as it is to conceive them. A violent century such as the XXth was a spring…

Partnerships and Outreach!

TIMUN partners with international and regional organizations that promote education and international dialogue, as well as collegiate and university educational institutions. We welcome the opportunity to partner with like-minded organizations around the world.


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